Those close to me are fully aware of my recent love affair with Rainer Maria Rilke. If you follow me on Facebook, you've probably also noticed that I tend to post a lot of quotes by him. I hunt down the poetry section in every book store which I step foot to see if they sell any Rilke. Usually they do, happily. Not so happily, the books are always quite expensive, so even though I love his poetry, I did not yet own anything by him. That all changed this weekend. Thanks to Strand's amazing prices, I purchased a book by Rilke with a publisher price of $14.00 for less than $8.00 after taxes.
I will leave you with Sonnet 7 from his collection Sonnets to Orpheus, the second series. They're all amazing, so I just picked one.
I wish I could speak with such beauty about flowers being cut and arranged :)
Flowers, ultimately sisters of arranging hands
(those hands of girls from now and then)
who often lay from end to end across the garden
table, drooping and gently wounded,
waiting for water that would rescue you.
once more from that beginning death, and now held
up again between the streaming poles
of sympathetic fingers that can do
even more good than you guessed, light ones,
when you found each other again in the vase,
cooling slowly, exuding warmth of girls like confessions
from yourselves, like dreary and exhausting
sins committed by your being plucked, but as
a bond again with them, your allies in blooming.
Photo used under Creative Commons license from
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